Thursday, April 17, 2008

Landmine Ad Campaign

After I finish making the movie about landmines. I still feel really upset, and uncomfortable about the picture that i find out. Most picture showing some really terrible thing, but "that's their life like". I feel why can't we do some thing for them. I'm sure everyone can do that. But there aren't many people like that goodwill from history till now. Cause Landmines are still around.
I don't even know we have cilivion-landmine in our world before I start doing this movie. I can't never image that if we have landmines in our country. Isn't that too crazy? But yeah, that happen in some people's life. How do they feel about that? I feel really sorry for them. 
I never know there are a country it's like that. There are child got involve in Landmine too. Everyone should STOP MAKIG LANDMINE NOW!!!!!!

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